Melissa and Doug’s Make-a-Cake Mixer Set

Melissa and Doug’s Make-a-Cake Mixer Set This Retro little cake mixer is the perfect pretend toy for your child, letting them copy you when you are baking a cake.

With this toy, your kids imagination can run wild and let them be grown up for a short while. Baking in a real setting with sturdy wood and beautifully painted flourishes are a flashback to older times when most toys were almost always wooden!

 Whats the price?

The cake mixer costs $20 on Toys R Us, and $25 on the Melissa and Doug website., and on Amazon for around $21.24

ninja turtle


 Who is it for?

This cake mixer set is aimed at young kids from 36 months to about 5 years, mostly due to the make believe setting that it promotes with the toys that come with it, but parents can play along, too! It has a nice little crank on the top which moves the mixer in the bowl with a speed dial on the side, and can be lifted up similar to a Kitchen Aid (but not nearly as pricey). The set also comes with a cracked wooden egg, a loaf tin and pound cake, a pound cake box, butter, a butter knife, and a recipe list.


Things We Like About It?


As it’s made of wood, it is certainly much more durable than the  plastic mixers you can find in stores. melissa and dougSo it can handle a child’s abuse, Furthermore, the colors are gender neutral, which promotes a healthy idea beyond the expectations that people often make, that little girls are drawn to baking because kitchen items are typically feminine things.



 Things We Don’t Like About It?

 The problem with some of these kitchen sets is that usually, if you want more than just a specific kind of product (a mixer, an oven, different types of food) then you have to buy them individually, which drives up the price if your child gets bored with what they already have; however, that’s the same with most toys, and certainly isn’t limited to Melissa and Doug’s products, and will probably never be an exclusive fad.

Is it Worth the Money?

Even if it is a singular set and a little high priced, well-made wooden products are very hard to come by and it tells you that it is built to last. In addition, the thing sells like hotcakes, so apparently it’s essentially a steal for how much they’re asking for it.


Where Can I Buy It?


You can purchase the Cake Mixer Set at Toys R Us and Melissa and Doug’s website,                                       UPDATE, now on Sale at Amazon


Final Thoughts

 Upon reading the listing of the site, the producers won’t have extra stock available until September of this year, which likely means the toys aren’t made in bulk, which further solidifies the quality that goes into these toys, and kind of explains the price point. They seem to pride themselves on making toys that children can set their minds free with, and this is certainly an excellent toy for the job.

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